Fans of Craigslist Missed Connections section are used to seeing quick pleas to find that girl a guy connected with on the subway, or that fella someone chatted up on line at the Starbucks. But a recent post to the site shows the section can be used for far less trivial first meetings, and it’s pretty darn epic.


If this story isn't true, it's a darn good work of fiction, and if it is, these two need to be reunited, and quick!

In a post that has gone viral since it was uploaded earlier this month, a man who was a broken Vietnam Vet recounts an amazing story of his meeting a woman in 1972 who basically saved his life.

And get a box of tissues ready this story is sure to give you 'the feels', as my daughters say.

The man writes that on New Year’s Eve of that year, so tortured by the lives he took in the war, he left his apartment to get more booze with the intention of committing suicide later that evening. But as he wandered the streets in the rain he encountered a “beautiful” woman in a ball gown seeking shelter from the storm. The two strangers decided to share a cup of coffee and after about an hour of talking, the man got up to go to the bathroom and when he got back she was gone, “No phone number. No note. Nothing.”

The man writes that he went back to the coffee shop every day for a year but never saw her again, yet the idea of trying to find out what happened to that woman kept him from taking his own life. He added, “The truth is I never really stopped wondering."

“You see, in these intervening forty-two years I've lived a good life. I've loved a good woman. I've raised a good man. I've seen the world. And I've forgiven myself,” he wrote. “And you were the source of all of it. You breathed your spirit into my lungs one rainy afternoon, and you can't possibly imagine my gratitude.” He adds that even though he’s been sad following the death of his wife and son, whenever it rains he remembers her, noting, “So wherever you've been, wherever you are, and wherever you're going, know this: You're with me still.”

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