
Who Really Invented The Bra? Happy Birthday To The Bra Today!
Who Really Invented The Bra? Happy Birthday To The Bra Today!
Who Really Invented The Bra? Happy Birthday To The Bra Today!
Today is the anniversary of the invention of the bra. Few pieces of clothing-over or under- have had such misalignment, such revere, and such wild eyed fantasy casyt upon it like the bra. From training to cars to young boys obsession, nothing except the bikini fuels thought and desire like a woman's bra...
Woman Gets ‘Busted’ With Gun in Her Bra
Woman Gets ‘Busted’ With Gun in Her Bra
Woman Gets ‘Busted’ With Gun in Her Bra
You're BUSTED Lady! A convicted felon has been arrested by police in a Phoenix suburb after telling officers that she was hiding a handgun in her bra - oops! She was not allowed to carry the weapon because of her prior conviction and police say she admitted to concealing a .22-caliber semi-automatic handgun in her bra when a car she was riding in was stopped by officers early Tuesday.