Have you seen or heard of this 70 pound dachshund named Obie (maybe short for 'obese'?) who is being put on a "Biggest Loser" style diet? The dog and his new owner live in Orgeon, one of the healthiest states in the country. This dog however, might skew those numbers in the wrong direction. A normal weiner dog weighs about 32 pounds, making Obie over twice as big as normal. Let's put it another way. My seven year old son weighs 45 pounds. The dog would crush him!

On the other hand my son could outrun this dog even if he had a broken leg. Or two of them. Maybe even three. It's not the dogs fault either. His old owners gave him up because of failing health and eyesight. They must have mistaken the "1 cup of food twice a day" on the dog food bag for "1 BAG of food twice a day". Obie's new owner is putting him on a strict diet. And he's sticking to it! (Not like he can just run through the McDonalds' drive in or something!) Obie has already lost seven pounds! Mind over matter! Obie's owner has started a Facebook page "Biggest Loser, Doxie Edition" so we all can keep tabs on the dog bigger than a first grader.

Maybe Obie's owner just put the bowl of food out in the garage, and makes Obie walk to eat any. Couldn't hurt.


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