Last week, the Einstein's at Victoria's Secret put out the Michigan State "Hail to the Victors" shirt. The one on the left here. Any good Michigander KNOWS that's the slogan for the University of Michigan. Come on people! You would think that would cause other retailers to be a little more careful with their printed shirts, right? Wrong.

Next up, Old Navy! Now I have to start by saying I shop at Old Navy, I'm wearing Old Navy jeans right now, and I like Old Navy. But the people in charge of checking the facts on which they print on their t-shirts, that's another story.


So here are 3 shirts from Old Navy. Iowa, Colorado and Arizona. The shirts have the year each institute of higher learning was established. Iowa 1820, Colorado 1878, and Arizona 1881. The only problem is the real founding years for those schools are 1847, 1876 and 1885. I mean, come on! It's like they didn't even really look anything up. Seems like a couple of kids just kinda guessed! Wow. And these are the future leaders of our country. I'm pretty scared.

Amazingly, Old Navy managed to get the founding years correct on the other 26 available universities. Kind of ironic, dontcha think?


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