Even though I'm not Catholic, I have still given up something for Lent.

It's beer. Ha!

See, I don't drink, so giving up beer. Oh, never mind!

Let's enlighten you!

Despite its ancient history and traditions, Lent became standardized in the Catholic Church about 325 A.D.

There are myths about Lenten traditions that abound.

Here are five of the most common, as well as one fact that may surprise you, as shared by CNN.

Myth 1: Lent is 40 days

Counting from Ash Wednesday to Holy Saturday, there are 46 days.

Then why do we always refer to the 40 days of Lent? The 40 days of fasting during Lent do not include Sundays.

Every Sunday Christians commemorate the day of Christ's resurrection, thus, Sunday by its nature is a day of joy and celebration. The Sundays during Lent are not prescribed days of fasting and abstinence, so meat is permitted.

Myth 2: Lent ends on Easter Sunday

Lent ends on Holy Thursday.

The season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 18, this year, and ends on Holy Thursday, April 2, which commemorates Jesus Christ's last supper with his disciples.

As stated in the Catholic Church's "General Norms for the Liturgical Year and the Calendar," the Easter triduum (Latin for "three days") begins with the evening Mass of the Lord's Supper, and includes Good Friday and Holy Saturday. It closes with evening prayer on Easter Sunday."

There are other things you can learn about Lent, but you gotta go to the story!

Trust me, it's a good idea. And so is giving up sweets. Good thing i'm not Catholic!

Stephan Senzel/ThinkStock
Stephan Senzel/ThinkStock

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