Ah yes - some days it's great to be a dude!    I have to say, I don't think I've ever used any of these things...

From Guyism.com, a pretty good list of 8 products women use that make men glad they're men...

8. The Curling Iron -- Some reach temperatures of almost 400 degrees! The purpose? Curl hair. Alternative uses include assault and battery.

7. The Eyelash Curler -- "looks like some combination of a medieval weapon and a modern dentistry tool. Both of which are miserable objects to encounter..."

6. Spanx -- Gives women a slim and shapely appearance... the "whole idea behind the squeezing material is to constrict the human body into a smaller space than gravity would allow... no thanks."

5. Push-Up Bras -- "If I had to pay for an uncomfortable device that compressed my male parts, and then walk around in it for several hours," I would be ticked off.

4. Lip Plumpers -- Feels like ants crawling on your mouth.

3. Stilettos -- Forces the weight of the body onto the tips of their toes. The result is swollen feet and possibly leg and back pain.

2. Hair Dye -- Hair-dying involves putting chemicals all over the hair and scalp triggering skin irritation, allergies, hair breakage, skin discoloration and unexpected hair results.

1. The Cuticle cutter -- "The cuticle, mind you, was designed by Mother Nature to protect a person’s nail bed from infection. Nevertheless, the cuticle cutter is used to shorten and cut away the cuticle — to make the nail look better. Hopefully Mother Nature appreciates irony."

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