dog videos

Dog at Vet … Not Putting up with Shenanigans
Dog at Vet … Not Putting up with Shenanigans
Dog at Vet … Not Putting up with Shenanigans
The thing that's great about dogs is their enthusiasm. Excited about EVERYTHING all the time. Unless we're talking about the vet. This boxer has obviously had enough of his trip and is not putting up with the silliness of his owner and is ready to leave.
Winston the Storm Trooper Corgi
Winston the Storm Trooper Corgi
Winston the Storm Trooper Corgi
I love this video! Why, what makes it so special, you ask. It's a corgi in a star wars storm trooper outfit. I don't know if the dog particularly enjoys it ... all I know is Winston looks super cute.
Cat (on a Leash!) Meets 50 Dogs
Cat (on a Leash!) Meets 50 Dogs
Cat (on a Leash!) Meets 50 Dogs
I didn't know cats would go on a leash, learn something new everyday. Anyway this video is pretty awesome (apart from the cat being on a leash), it shows a cat going to a dog day at a park and being pretty chill about the whole ordeal. Is this cat secretly a dog?
This Dog Does NOT Like Sticks
This Dog Does NOT Like Sticks
This Dog Does NOT Like Sticks
Silly video of a dog out on a walk. When the unthinkable happens. The meanest, ugliest down right baddest stick shows up. Oh, man. This puppy dog isn't having it ... at all actually. I've never seen a dog that hated sticks. Weird