spring break

A Great Idea for Spring Break in West Michigan
A Great Idea for Spring Break in West Michigan
A Great Idea for Spring Break in West Michigan
Spring break for most public school kids is next week. Many will take off for a quick vacation, but many others won't. If you and your kids will be home-bound next week, you may be stumped on what to do. Can't have bored kids hanging around the house all week, so, how about this?
What To Do In Grand Rapids For Spring Break.
What To Do In Grand Rapids For Spring Break.
What To Do In Grand Rapids For Spring Break.
If you have school-aged kids, next week is spring break. My kids are going up north to Grandma and Grandpa's, so I'm off the hook! But if you have pre-teens and tweens hanging around the house all week and bored off their gourds, here's a helpful list of things to do next week!