
Wendy’s Bringing Back “Where’s The Beef?”
Wendy’s Bringing Back “Where’s The Beef?”
Wendy’s Bringing Back “Where’s The Beef?”
Soon you will see and hear the famous strain "Where's the Beef?" from Wendy's. The hamburger chain is bringing back the iconic advertising catchphrase from the mid 1980's...and in homage to KFC's Col. Sanders, they will bring back Clara Peller to utter the famous phrase, and get Dave Thomas' daughter, the original Wendy, to reply "We have it!"
Random Musings On A Tuesday Late Morning…
Random Musings On A Tuesday Late Morning…
Random Musings On A Tuesday Late Morning…
What will I have for lunch today? I'm happy the Whitecaps are starting to win. How did they lose 34 in a row and now have won 15? Ok those numbers might be off a bit, but what happened? Did they all of a sudden start playing the "Suck" division? Were they playing the "Ultra Champion Division"?