
10 Things To Do this Weekend: August 31st-September 3rd
10 Things To Do this Weekend: August 31st-September 3rd
10 Things To Do this Weekend: August 31st-September 3rd
It’s Labor Day Weekend. There are a lot of events that are wrapping up for the summer, so get out and enjoy those events. There are also some events just for the Labor Day Weekend. And, if you are up for a road trip, Monday is the only day you can walk across the Mackinac Bridge!
Families In Zeeland Have To Remove Roadside Memorial [POLL]
Families In Zeeland Have To Remove Roadside Memorial [POLL]
Families In Zeeland Have To Remove Roadside Memorial [POLL]
The Ottawa County Sheriff has told a family they have to takedown the makeshift memorial to their daughter because it's "too close to the road". Amy Diane Linares was killed nearly 2 years ago by a drunk driver, and since her death an intricate roadside memorial was created by friends and family near Westbound I-196 by the Zeeland exit. Now since it's "too close" to the freeway