
How Would You Feel If Facebook Ended the Ban on Sex Offenders?
How Would You Feel If Facebook Ended the Ban on Sex Offenders?
How Would You Feel If Facebook Ended the Ban on Sex Offenders?
A recent Supreme Court decision found that laws barring access to social media sites is unconstitutional. So now, the National Association for Rational Sex Offense Laws has contacted Mark Zuckerberg, and issued a press release, calling for Facebook to end its ban on Sex Offenders. How do you feel about this?
Study Says Michigan Smoking Ban Has Not Hurt Business
Study Says Michigan Smoking Ban Has Not Hurt Business
Study Says Michigan Smoking Ban Has Not Hurt Business
Well, this is interesting from the Detroit News.  Michigan's law banning smokers from lighting up in bars and restaurants has had no negative impact on businesses, according to a study released Monday by the state's Department of Community Health, which went into place in Spring 2010.
West Michigan Bar Owner Blames Smoking Ban For Closing
West Michigan Bar Owner Blames Smoking Ban For Closing
West Michigan Bar Owner Blames Smoking Ban For Closing
Another smoking ban controversy in West Michigan! is reporting the owner of Belding’s last bar says he will be closing - why - because of the smoking ban the owner says. The Driftway Inn  in downtown Belding for the last 39 years will close this weekend “For some reason, the government is bound and determined to run bars out of business,” said the owner “They talk about trying to draw jo
City Looks to Ban Oversized Soda Sizes [POLL]
City Looks to Ban Oversized Soda Sizes [POLL]
City Looks to Ban Oversized Soda Sizes [POLL]
Yes, it's for real. Say goodbye to your the Big Gulp, Super Big Gulp or anything else over 20 Oz! New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is proposing a ban on large sodas and  in the city's restaurants, d in the hopes of combatting obesity — an expansion of his administration's efforts to encourage healthy behavior by limiting choices. Is this really the way we want to do that?  What's to stop you from