
Grand Rapids Business Ranks Second in Alcohol Sales in Michigan
Grand Rapids Business Ranks Second in Alcohol Sales in Michigan
Grand Rapids Business Ranks Second in Alcohol Sales in Michigan
MLive compiled a list of the bars in Michigan that buy and sell and lot of alcohol each year, and Detroit dominates the entire list. Not a surprise, since you probably have to drink a lot to be able to live in Detroit, haha! But last year, one Grand Rapids business not only shows up in the top 20, but is number two in the state in alcohol sales!
Beer Yoga is Totally Something That Needs to Come to Grand Rapids
Beer Yoga is Totally Something That Needs to Come to Grand Rapids
Beer Yoga is Totally Something That Needs to Come to Grand Rapids
There are two things I've noticed about Grand Rapids since moving here. A lot of people like to exercise, and they also love to drink beer. It IS Beer City USA, so this makes sense. And now, there's a new fitness craze coming out of Germany, and working it's way across the world. And it needs to come to Grand Rapids. Beer Yoga!
Judge Has Happy Hour in Court
Judge Has Happy Hour in Court
Judge Has Happy Hour in Court
Order in the Court! It's a tough job, but someone's got to do it! A Swiss newspaper reports that judges at one of the country's highest courts held a midmorning cocktail event to determine whether a companies alcoholic drink were sweet enough to be taxed a certain way!

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