
Craig’s Night Out At The Whitecaps!
Craig’s Night Out At The Whitecaps!
Craig’s Night Out At The Whitecaps!
So I went to the Whitecaps game last night at 5th 3rd Ballpark (Shameless plug-The Caps are home all weekend with fun stuff going on each night, including fireworks Saturday...784-4131 or whitecapsbaseball.com for tickets!)
Craig’s Top 3 Things To Do In Grand Rapids This Weekend
Craig’s Top 3 Things To Do In Grand Rapids This Weekend
Craig’s Top 3 Things To Do In Grand Rapids This Weekend
Most people do a top 5 or a top 10 list...me, I'm kinda lazy, so I'm doing a top 3...pretty simple. Here's one persons opinion on the top 3 things to do in town this weekend. The weather is supposed to be decent (Here's WZZM TV 13's On Target Forecast) so get out and have a blast!
Random Musings On A Tuesday Late Morning…
Random Musings On A Tuesday Late Morning…
Random Musings On A Tuesday Late Morning…
What will I have for lunch today? I'm happy the Whitecaps are starting to win. How did they lose 34 in a row and now have won 15? Ok those numbers might be off a bit, but what happened? Did they all of a sudden start playing the "Suck" division? Were they playing the "Ultra Champion Division"?