
Alternate Ways of Scraping Your Car [Video]
Alternate Ways of Scraping Your Car [Video]
Alternate Ways of Scraping Your Car [Video]
Yesterday, I spent a good 20 minutes knocking all of the snow off my truck. Half way through I thought to myself, there has to be a better way. Then, as I brushed off more of that soft flaky powdery snow we had yesterday, it hit me like a ton of bricks. Leaf Blower. Good idea or not I knew someone else did it before me, and probably filmed it. I was right!
Still Without Power? Contact Consumers Energy
Still Without Power? Contact Consumers Energy
Still Without Power? Contact Consumers Energy
As of 4:30PM on Sunday, approximately 6,000 Consumers Energy customers remained without service from the Christmas Eve storm. Now, nearly all customers have had power restored. If you are still without power, Consumers Energy is asking you to contact them.
How The Ice Stays Frozen At Rosa Parks Circle
How The Ice Stays Frozen At Rosa Parks Circle
How The Ice Stays Frozen At Rosa Parks Circle
Look outside. The weather is frightful today. It's only going to get worse tomorrow. Almost 60 and thunderstorms. Makes you wonder about things like "How does the ice at Rosa Parks Circle stay frozen?" Well, say no more, I have the answer for you.